Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Bells Ring...

and then April creeps in...

If you're in my facebook, you probably already know of my rather blown up March- April's fool prank. (Yes yes, why so childish Ms. Chian?! :P come on! Some sense of humor!)

I have never ever ever had that many likes and comments over a status update before okay?

I can only imagine the regret of all those who 'liked' it and have push notifications on their iPhone or other devices that constantly update you over new comments. Haha.. My my.

and well, the bff didn't help by helping me add that she's going to be a godma.

Note. She didn't even say when she's going to be a godma. For the record, i've always told her she could be my kid's godma. Oh. And she found out it was a prank earlier because i gave her a whole 'emo-talk' on how she could be my best friend and actually fall for this too (not the only one if i may add. You people know who you are! Tsk!) I wanted to spare myself from the heartache of seeing her believe me when i've already spent my whole life pranking her. Trust me, it's ranged from things like me having a disease and dying soon and pretending to be a boy from the nearby boys school who liked her and wrote her a love note. SERIOUSLY. Okay, then again maybe she's just being an awfully trusting bestie who didn't expect it. K LA, i still love you la. :P

But let me explain in more detail on how flawed this prank is actually later on. (If you know me well enough that is...)

So how did it start?
I was almost duped by Ms. Steffi Ho on the almost exact thing just before i decided to steal this prank idea. SO yes, sadly i am not the original smart ass (haha WL, i just called you an ass. :P) who came up with this prank idea.

So why was it flawed?

1. If any of you looked at my recent activities just below that status, a bunch of us who were duped or knew of Steffi's prank were talking about it. Hence, just a little more scrolling down would have totally given me away. Then again, i don't
know how many of you have her in your fb. And okay, who on earth would really look at my recent activities anyway. Haha..

2. I am constantly complaining of how many unknown people there are on my facebook. Why would i ask the 'mass public' of idk who(s) if i should accept a marriage proposal? I would have only asked my close friends directly (assuming there is even
a need to ask anyone for an opinion over something as important as my own marriage, lol) Besides, would i want to risk having to answer to every single person on my fb who might want an invite to my wedding. I'll go pokai! :P hahaha..

3. Forget the 'young ' age (because i know too many happy young couples with children these days, so i am actually starting to strongly believe in young marriages/ families), then how about the fact that the boyf and i have only been together for less than half a year? At least a year right........

4. It was SO close to the 1st of April!

What have i learnt?

1. That i am still in touch with my playful side. Lol. Not that it's a good thing, i think? :P speaking of which, i gave my relatives a scare. Forgot bout them family who are in my fb. Lol..

2. That i have got SO many supportive friends who actually think i am ready to be married now. And also believe in me getting married to him. Wee! :) haha.. in a few years okay?

3. That i've got so few friends who think it's important to advice me on a matter as huge as this. Less than 5 people actually msg'd me to ask about it right after the update, and less than 3 actually told me to give it a proper thought because it's a huge commitment. I had a self- inflicted emo moment then okay! HAHAHA! Asking for it. Prank people already some more expect the besties to make a point to call me. COME ON! IF it were ME, if i saw any of my best friends saying they have a possibility of getting MARRIED, I will FLY there personally to ask them how/what/when all okay! and i didn't even get one call! PFFT! :P

My final note...

thanks to all who bothered to make the extra effort to msg me about it and even more to those who put an extra thought on it.
congrats to those who had a hunch that it was an april's fool joke & decided to wait b4 saying anything at all.

to the close friends who will possibly be my bridesmaids, please know that i will never let you people find out about my marriage this way ever? You people will be the first few to know after my family. Not after 30 people have seen and commented on the status. Tsk QT, Marie, Jiahui........ korang ah! tak kenal aku lagi ke... :P bleh.

AND FOR NOW.... Don't be too disappointed.

PPS. There's a very high chance i may have to stop modeling due to the rules of a new possible job. *hear my heart break*